A technology that harnesses the intelligence of nature

ReNaWa- the name is self-explanatory: Re Na turized Water,
The technology produces structured water of spring water quality from process water step by step through relaxation, purification and treatment.

Our body’s intelligence demands water.
The closer to nature the water is, the more our instinct demands it.
It tastes delicious, is good for you and quenches your thirst immensely.

In earlier times, people always settled near a spring, or at least a river or stream.
Water was indispensable for health and prosperity. Water was a valued and guarded commodity at that time.

Today, our water is delivered directly to the house. All it takes is a flick of the wrist to open the tap and the water starts to flow.
What initially sounds like a technical achievement presents us and the water with a number of challenges, as the water loses its vitality, taste, quality and structure with every step of processing.

The aim was to bring water to all households, as clean as possible and available around the clock.
Only over time did it become clear that there is more to water than meets the eye or even meets the eye.
It looks like water, but tastes like something else. So what’s in the water that doesn’t belong there? What keeps us from drinking enough of the water that flows from the tap?
There are millions of people who simply cannot drink tap water to the extent that would be right and important for their bodies.
What’s going on? Why is that? What’s wrong with the water?
Why doesn’t a person whose body consists of more than 70% water drink enough water all by itself?
The developers of ReNaWa® technology asked themselves these and other questions at the very beginning. At the beginning there were 10 more questions for every question and only a few answers.

Observing the obvious is sometimes more difficult
as the most complicated mathematical calculation

If you take a very close look at nature, many questions are suddenly answered very clearly, for example that everything in nature has a blueprint. The construction of everything can be found in every life since the beginning.
A tree is usually round, a blade of grass flat and a bee striped. Everything has its own unique architecture and so does the water.

The blueprint of water is a crystal structure, much like you would imagine liquid snow crystals. At the same time, water is the best solvent and the best transport medium for substances.
What is very beneficial on the one hand, is very unfavorable on the other hand, because we are fed substances that we do not want to have in our body.

Another milestone in research is the realization that water is always in motion. It’s so obvious and you see it everywhere, but realizing the serious importance behind it was a breakthrough.
To obtain natural spring water with ReNaWa® technology, the movement of the water is an essential and important part.

Water quality deterioration in 4 stages:

  1. Lack of safety: Even if waterworks meticulously adhere to the 55 chemical and microbiological parameters laid down in the Drinking Water Ordinance, the number of substances that can be detected in water is now over 2000.
    These include fertilizers, industrial substances and hormones, drug residues. Neither politicians nor companies can guarantee absolute safety.
    Guideline values apply for drug residues. However, it is only a guideline and does not need to be tested.
  1. Unnatural transport: The water is literally forced through the pipes over many kilometers under high pressure. Although lead pipes have largely been replaced by galvanized steel pipes, stainless steel pipes or plastic pipes – the high pressure in the pipes compresses the water clusters (mergers of water molecules). The water is forced through pipes, it has to pass through countless tight corners and for kilometers straight ahead. Depending on the cross-section and whether upstream or downstream of a pressure reducer, there is a pressure of up to 15 bar in the water pipes. One bar of pressure corresponds to a water column of 10 meters, at 15 bar it is a water column of 150 meters. Anyone who has ever been diving and has only been a few meters underwater can imagine the pressure that tap water is exposed to every second. What comes out of the tap at the end has nothing to do with water as nature once conceived it. In nature, water would never voluntarily flow through a narrow pipe for kilometers straight ahead and then full speed around the corner at a 90 degree angle. In nature, water seeks or builds soft curves and gently sweeping straights.
  1. Unnatural processing: If water flows in a natural cycle, it cleans itself of all kinds of vermin.
    Even before tap water is introduced into the piping system, it often undergoes disinfection with chlorine, ozone or UV radiation.
    The limit value for chlorine is 0.3 milligrams per liter, from 0.2 milligrams you can taste it. Many private households use reverse osmosis systems in the house.
    However, they consume a lot of water and reach an acidic pH value, impair the taste and also expose water to unnatural pressure.
  1. Alienation from nature: Drinking water in Germany is obtained either from groundwater, surface water or sometimes from springs.
    From the point at which the water is taken from the reservoirs, through processing in the waterworks to delivery by pipeline to our property, there is a continuous alienation from nature.
    Natural spring water flows without compulsion, making its way through streams and rivers, flowing through rapids, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes rippling, sometimes still.
    It is surrounded by stones, quartz, sand and gravel.

Step by step, ReNaWa® technology gives the water the opportunity to structure itself and relax as nature once intended.

Natural flow behavior:

The ceramic pre-filter helps to loosen the tight associations of water molecules, the condensed clusters.
The water recovers from the high pressure of the pipes. As in a natural environment, the water flows at its own speed.
It flows through the individual filter elements by itself, from top to bottom, using only its own weight.
In nature, mountains, soils and plants provide natural pre-filtration. ReNaWa® technology takes over this part of nature with the fine-pored ceramic filter.
The coarse residues and bacteria are sieved out and retained by this fine pre-filter. The pores are only 0.2 to 0.45 µ in size. A pore is about 250 times smaller than a human hair.

Natural purity:

99% of the impurities found in water today were created by man. Nature does not know synthetic drugs, plastic or exhaust fumes from cars.
To make the water naturally pure again, once it has passed through the ceramic filter it flows directly into a layer of high-performance activated carbon made from coconut shells.
The immensely large inner surface of the carbon, and porous structure for adsorption predestine the activated carbon, unwanted substances such as lead, mercury, aluminum, zinc, copper,
Nickel, drug residues, hormones, pesticides, chlorine, odorants, colorants and flavorings etc. from the water.
An additional layer of zeolite, a mineral produced by grinding natural volcanic rock, ensures double safety.
It acts as an ultra-fine sieve. Thanks to its unique negatively charged crystal lattice shape and its immensely large internal surface area (up to 1000m2 internal surface area at just one gram)
the rock can effectively filter harmful, positively charged particles, e.g. heavy metals, radioactive elements, out of the water.

Natural treatment:

In the next step to natural spring water, the water undergoes a structural transformation process.
Alkaline bioceramics release calcium ions. The water changes its pH value and becomes slightly more alkaline.
The ceramic reflects infrared rays from nature and enhances the formation of hexagonal structures in drinking water. Gerald H. Pollack of the “University of Washington” is considered a pioneer in this field of research.
Tourmalines act as a harmonizing element on the water. The gemstone, which is said to have a beneficial effect since ancient times, is harmoniously matched with the other materials.

Natural river elements:

Fresh spring water tastes fresh and delicious, is digestible and invigorates the body.
In an ecological system that is in balance, water does not flow into a sterile tank after it emerges from the spring, but ripples gently through a stream bed with crystals, stones, gravel and more.
The task of the streambed takes over the layer with rock crystals. The water thus takes on a wonderful, original and incomparable taste.

More pictures here

After many years of intensive research, it is our pleasure to provide you with fresh,
water that comes so close to nature.

We look forward to hearing about your experiences and wish you a lively and refreshing drinking experience!

Your Acala GmbH

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